The Story Behind Our Cards

Hi! I’m Katie & I founded Golden Rabbit Co to help people experience the positive ripple effect of heartfelt messages. Our designs are crafted with the intention of fostering connections, celebrating life's joys, and offering support during challenging times.

Our story is deeply rooted in the art of crafting and the power of personal messages. As a child, I spent quality time at the craft table with my mom, using paper scraps, stamps, and bows to create handmade treasures. Those early experiences paved the way for my career as a graphic designer, where I now create digital art and illustrations.

The idea for our monthly subscription service was born from a desire to promote both the act of sending cards and the value of always being prepared for life's moments.

By receiving four carefully designed cards each month, you'll never be caught unprepared for a special occasion.

At Golden Rabbit Co., we believe in the power of a handwritten note to warm hearts and create lasting memories. Join us in spreading joy, one card at a time.